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ReliaTech 广州鸿程代理

简要描述:ReliaTech 广州鸿程代理 始终致力于面向生命科学领域,从事科研机构及生产企业所需的各类原料、试剂、耗材、仪器等的专业进出口公司。专门从事以抗*Beckman A63881的磁珠 现货,moltox 11-101.5等现货, 706020/706025现货,Megazyme的大部分现货

  • 产品型号:
  • 厂商性质:经销商
  • 更新时间:2024-06-18
  • 访  问  量:272

ReliaTech 广州鸿程代理

ReliaTech 广州鸿程代理

广州鸿程生物有限公司一家专注于生命科学的科技企业,由在国内科研试剂领域有着丰富从业经验的技术团队和管理团队组建而成,专营进口生物试剂,科学仪器,实验消耗品等。公司将不断把上优质的产品引入国内市场,满足客户的需求,公司也将紧跟生命科学的发展,为广大科研工作者探索生命科学的奥秘奉献绵薄之力.专门从事以抗*Beckman A63881的磁珠 现货,moltox 11-101.5等现货,transgenomic 706020/706025现货,Megazyme的大部分现货,LIST现货,、ALZET大量现货,Avanti 、tedpella 、BioLegend、Polyplus、jena bioscience、Mattek、MRC-Holland、polysciences、enzo、novus、TOCRIS、CAYMAN、Neuro Probe、cyguns、eylabs、NIBSC、chondrex、lc laboratories、BTI、etonbio

ReliaTech 广州鸿程代理

ReliaTech 广州鸿程代理

ReliaTech GmbH(Receptor Ligand Technologies GmbH 的简称)是一家成立于 1999 年的德国后基因组生物技术公司。除其他研究产品外,该公司还开发、生产和销售用于血管生成和淋巴管生成研究的高质量研究试剂。

作为一家拥有自己内部试剂生产的公司,ReliaTech GmbH 还为客户特定的试剂生产提供解决方案。我们在蛋白质纯化方面的丰富经验和我们在日常实验室业务中的实践知识也融入了我们以客户为基础的项目——使我们成为需要个性化生产解决方案的项目的有力合作伙伴。

Receptor Ligand Technologies GmbH公司(RELIA Tech)位于德国不伦瑞克,是一家后基因组生物技术公司,该公司运用*技术专注于受体和配体的发现与研究,并使之商业化,产品广泛用于科学研究、实验诊断和临床应用。RELIA Tech的灵活性和竞争力必将使其在这个快速整合的功能基因组学和蛋白组学的新时代发展壮大。RELIA公司提供的细胞因子、生长因子、重组蛋白产品均有内毒素检测项目,且内毒素水平非常低。


Receptor Ligand Technologies GmbH (RELIATech) is a post-genomic biotechnology company focused on the discovery and commercialisation of novel technologies and products in the field of ligand-receptor interaction for research, diagnostics and for the clinical community. The company located in Braunschweig, Germany, was founded in October 2000 by:


Prof. Avner Yayon

Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS), Israel


Dr. Herbert A. Weich

German Research Centre for Biotechnology (GBF), Germany


Dr. Bernhard Barleon

Clinic for Tumor Biology (KTB), Germany


The founders are cell and molecular biologists working in the field of growth factor interaction, tyrosine kinases and their signalling pathways involved in tissue remodelling, homeostasis and disease for more than 1 decade. In particular Dr. Herbert A. Weich and Dr. Bernhard Barleon have worked in basic research in the field of angiogenesis, tumor angiogenesis and the progression of solid tumors.   


Signal proteins such as "growth factors and cytokines", together with their transmembrane / "soluble receptors" and associated kinases, are critically involved in the development and function of all higher organisms as key regulatory molecules in physiological and pathophysioloical conditions. These polypeptides regulate cell differentiation, tissue remodelling and homeostasis, and are deregulated in various disease states. The discovery of new growth-regulating genes by the human genome project coding for novel signaling proteins, together with the elucidation of their function, will no doubt be one of the major challenges in the next decade.


RELIATech’s mission is the development and commercialisation of new products useful in the field of "receptor and ligand interaction" for basic research, drug development and for the clinical community. RELIATech’s flexibility and competence will definitely enable its rapid integration and expansion in this new era of functional genomics and proteomics.


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