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Biogenex 广州鸿程代理

简要描述:Biogenex 广州鸿程代理 基始终致力于面向生命科学领域,从事科研机构及生产企业所需的各类原料、试剂、耗材、仪器等的专业进出口公司。专门从事以抗*Beckman A63881的磁珠 现货,moltox 11-101.5等现货, 706020/706025现货,Megazyme的大部分现货

  • 产品型号:
  • 厂商性质:经销商
  • 更新时间:2024-06-18
  • 访  问  量:334

Biogenex 广州鸿程代理

Biogenex 广州鸿程代理

Biogenex位于美国旧金山,是抗原修复的发明者,是致力于研发生产准确、可靠、可重复性的高效检测方法的自动化和标准化的先驱。BioGenex拥有全面的免疫组化全自动处理系统,包括i1000™抗原修复系统、i6000™ 自动染色仪、iVISION™数码成像分析系统等,具有检测诊断的高度一致性,为科研和临床诊治提供高质量的参考依据。Biogenx i 系列免疫组化全自动处理系统是使您的科研和临床病理诊断国际化的途径。 BioGenex is an innovator and leader in the field of immunohistochemistry. For 25 years we have been diligently serving the needs of clinical diagnostics and research laboratories with novel technologies for Cell and Molecular Pathology by providing automated systems that streamline operations in anatomic pathology and provide effective tools for the detection and diagnosis of cancer and infectious diseases. It provides a "Total Solution" for slide based cell and tissue analysis. Our products include a wide variety of antibodies, highly sensitive detection kits, special stains, and probes for ISH. Our automated systems streamline operations in molecular and cellular pathology laboratories, providing effective toools for the detection and diagnosis of cancer and other diseases. Biogenex continues to innovate, as evidenced by the recent launch of the Xmatrx series of Automated Staining System, which provides full automation "Elegance on the Glass Slide-from Microtome to Microscope". BioGenex is committed to providing its customers and distributors with flexible, innovative, and cost-effective tools for clinical diagnostics, research and drug discovery.

Biogenex 广州鸿程代理

Biogenex 广州鸿程代理

广州鸿程生物有限公司一家专注于生命科学的科技企业,由在国内科研试剂领域有着丰富从业经验的技术团队和管理团队组建而成,专营进口生物试剂,科学仪器,实验消耗品等。公司将不断把上优质的产品引入国内市场,满足客户的需求,公司也将紧跟生命科学的发展,为广大科研工作者探索生命科学的奥秘奉献绵薄之力.专门从事以抗*Beckman A63881的磁珠 现货,moltox 11-101.5等现货,transgenomic 706020/706025现货


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